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Investment Management Approach

As we live longer, planning for 100-year lifetimes could become crucial in helping to secure financial wellbeing in a world worth living in.


We recognise that everyone’s financial journey is different, that is why our approach to financial and investment planning is based on individual goals.


To understand these goals and help provide peace of mind throughout your life we work with you in three phases:

Where are you in your retirement journey?

Creating and maintaining the right investment strategy plays a vital role in securing your financial future.


Whether you are looking to invest for income, growth or a combination of the two, we can provide quality advice, comprehensive investment solutions and ongoing service to help you achieve your financial goals.


We offer a range of individual funds and risk-rated portfolios to help spread your investments across a wide range of asset types and countries.


The value of an investment with Expat Finance will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select, and the value can therefore go down as well as up.

You may get back less than you invested. You should also bear in mind that the levels and bases of taxation, and reliefs from taxation, can change at any time, and are generally dependent on individual circumstances.


Achieving financial security doesn’t happen by chance. It needs vision, a long-term commitment and the help of experts to create and execute the plan. It also needs successful investment of your money.


We understand the critical responsibility we are given when our clients entrust us with their money. That’s why we decided to take an innovative and effective approach to investment management.


It’s an approach that underpins and complements the quality advice and service provided by Expat Finance. It allows us the freedom to focus on what we are best at – helping our clients plan their finances - supported by the knowledge that the selection and vital day-to-day monitoring of those managing our client's money is being done by experts.


Quite simply, the aim of our investment approach is to give our clients peace of mind, allowing them to get on with their lives without having to worry about how their money is invested or who with.


We believe that it gives our clients the best chance of achieving superior investment results over the medium to long term.

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Let's start your Investment Portfolio today! 

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